

Hello, my name is Anna Ware.

I am a Christian mum living in South Sydney, Australia, and I am doing my best to give my kids the best childhood that I can, although how that actually looks is so varied these days!

I’ve been married for 1 7 years to Brad, got 4 kids, ranging in age from 14 to 6 years old, and am finally finding my feet again after the busy early years of parenting.

As well as Jesus, I love exploring new places in our camper trailer, swimming (anywhere really!) and generally just hanging out with my family.

I have created this Christian devotional podcast for families to listen to together because I think it is important for parents to have the main role in teaching their kids about Jesus. I understand that it is hard and I want to help!

If you are a mum or a dad or even a grandparent or any kind of carer of kids, and want to bring them up knowing and loving Jesus, then you are totally in the right place.

My hope is that, by listening to the podcast together, it will stimulate awesome conversations with you and the kids in your care.

I want to help by starting the conversation, so that you can continue the journey with your kids as you think and chat about all things Jesus together!

I have opted to create these episodes in my spare time because I just love serving people and getting people to know Jesus is the best way I can think of to bless people. It actually makes me feel good (selfish I know!)

Often I find myself driving around with my kids, dropping them off and picking them up from after school activities. I have noticed that we are often feeling quiet and feeling reflective. I ask them how their day is and they answer. I try to think of something meaningful to say, maybe a bible verse or a topic of conversation that can get them thinking, but I’m all out of ideas. I put a kids podcast on and we learn all about the environment and science together. 

And then I feel guilty. Is mum-guilt rampant in your house too?

There are so many things expected of a mum these days and we want to give our kids the best childhood we can, which means making sure we tick so many boxes, one of which is reading the bible with the kids every day, praying with them and chatting with them about Jesus. Pretty much leading them in a kids quiet time.

Seriously, I hardly have time and headspace for my own and feel guilty about that too!

But what I decided we really needed was a podcast that helps me start up some good chats about Jesus with my kids. Something that is straight to the point that we can all listen to in the car together.


Basically, I wanted a podcast that would help me connect with them and stimulate God-conversations.

But I couldn’t find one like that. (Believe me, I searched!)

And then I felt God stirring inside me, planting the idea in my heart:

“You do it.”

Of course! I wasn’t surprised; he had been preparing me for this for a long long time.

I trained as a primary school teacher after finishing school, got a degree in Theology and have ministered with kids for decades. I genuinely feel that God has gifted me with the ability to explain complex biblical topics in a simple way that kids can understand and I just love seeing their eyes light up and I can tell that their minds are thinking because seconds later they explode with a whole lot more questions and ideas!

So with all my kids now at school and a few extra hours each day, I want to bless you with this podcast so that you can listen in and be there to see your kids’ eyes light up with understanding about God, Jesus and the whole universe!

Because I’m not in the car with you and I can’t join in on your conversations, (no matter how much I want to be!) I would love for you to connect with me. I would love to hear how your conversations go and what kind of things you chat about. 

I am super excited to be able to connect with Christian parents and help you along your journey. If you need any resources or advice I would love to help, and am always coming up with ideas myself on how I can serve you guys better as Christian parents in your journey.

There are plenty of ways you can connect with me!

Subscribe to my emailing list, follow The Word On The Street on Instagram, like me on Facebook, or flick me an email! I aim to reply to every email that comes into my inbox, so write away!

I look forward to meeting you!
